Letter writing is the most significant fundraising effort we make! We have provided some helpful tips and resources to keep in mind as you write your letters.

We will address, stamp & stuff letters at our next team meeting on DEC 4. Have the following ready when you come!

  • Printed letters

  • List of addresses

  • Optional: Your own envelopes & stamps (we will provide these, but for those willing it will help bring down costs)


  • Try to brainstorm a list of 15-20 people to send your letter too.

  • Think through family, extended family, friends and connections! Try to think of people outside of our church as well.

  • It is considerate to include a return envelope that is already addressed and stamped.

  • A personalized hand written note on your letter goes a long way!

  • Include personalized ways they can support you in prayer.

  • Convey your personal reasons for going on this trip and invite them to be a part of it with you.

Support Letter Template

Add your own personal touch or rephrase it in your own words!